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Leabhar Hour started in 2018 when a few friends wanted to get together once a month, grab a pint and chat about a book. Since 2020, the book club has gone online (like most other things!) so we decided to make our monthly meet-up into a podcast to keep a record of our chats and also to stay in touch.


David and Óran are in Sydney, Francis is in Barcelona, and Podge and Martin are in Dublin. 

Our Team Members

Put faces to the voices...


David Smith

David is a journalist from Meath, currently living Down Under in Sydney.

His favourite books range from classics like The Great Gatsby and The Old Man and the Sea to fantasy epics like Lord of the Rings and The Wheel of Time.


Martin Gillespie

Marty is from Donegal, and just like every other Donegal person you know, is absolutely effusive about it. He’s been in Dublin ten years and has been primary school teacher for the last four of them.

He’s a fan of most genres, but can’t resist a good historical or literary fiction.


Óran Fitzpatrick

"Óran is a Meath man living in Sydney since 2017. Generally can be found in the non-fiction side of the book shop but will happily get stuck into any genre.


Francis Walshe

Francis is a freelance writer who hails from Waterford and currently lives in Barcelona, Spain (or Catalonia, depending on your political orientation).

He reads anything at all, as long as it isn't boring. He's currently deciding whether it's a good idea to finish reading A Song of Ice and Fire if George R.R. Martin isn't even going to finish writing it.


Pádraig Gaffney

"Podge" is a primary school teacher from Navan, Co. Meath, currently working in Dublin.

His favourite genres of book include historical non-fiction, detective thriller and sporting autobiographies. Could well end up taking up ultrarunning some day thanks to David Goggins and Christopher McDougall.

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